Friday, January 20, 2006

Secret Message?

When looking at the 'Truth Times' I noticed in the article "MARIUS WOLF: FRIEND OR FOE?" that every once in a while there was a letter in the words that was smaller (ex. Just a sprinkle of truth, notice how the 'k' is smaller than the other letters). I then went and found all the small letters, in order of appearance these are the letters I collected:
T, E, S, T, B, R, I, A, I*, N
*I am not sure if it really is small or it is my eyes.
I couldn't come up with a meaning for these letters but I'm positive that they have a meaning. The only thing that I came up with that these letters may stand for is: "TEST BRIAN". If you have any idea what these letters mean or any more information about this please leave a comment.
Thank You,
The Truth Seekers


Blogger Raven said...

uuummmm i dono ask bryan or hmmmmm drill him on stuff....some people are so blunt

9:30 PM  
Blogger MJGodspeed said...

try thinking of a word for each letter. . .

9:06 AM  
Blogger The Gutierrez Sisters said...

well i dont know
if it does hav something to do with bryan then they spelt his name wrong

11:43 AM  
Blogger Bryan Posey-Weekly said...

lol they spelt his name wrong...thats sad.... locke is mysterious in many ways... seek the truth

7:42 AM  
Blogger Bryan Posey-Weekly said...

wow soo lame.I have nothing to do with the Truth Times and I cannot imagine why my name would be in it.

8:14 PM  

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